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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

This new show

Hi, today I wanted to talk about a new animated show released in the Netflix platform called Hilda Is a show based on a graphic novel and is for kids. It talks about a little girl that used to live in the woods and by some reasons, she has to move to the city and has to find a way to “survive” to this boring new place but at the end, she make good friends and enjoy the new home. The most interesting things about this series is the mythological content, I talk about giants, trolls, spirits, etc. I think that has a very good written story, and the art is very good looking. The characters has they own personality and are very funny, the entrance of new character and how they intertwine in the story is not abrupt as some others stories. Personally, my most favorite character is the Woodman, because is the type of person who is ironical and funny, so I think that I enjoy him because it´s more “adult” than “child”. In addition, I love her little pet called Twig who is a mix of

My ideal job

I didn´t really thought about my ideal job. I don´t really like to think about the future because I always get in panic, but since I was a kid I always liked to draw and I think that the job that I would enjoy is illustration (obviously after been architect). Since I was very young, I always liked to draw very different things, and I always admire those people who can share his art and continue progressing in his skills and own worlds. The job is about what it says in the name, many people work illustrating many things and the principal means is in books. Few years ago, I meet someone who is an illustrator and it doesn´t need to have a hard study to do it. I mean that you could have the studies (or a career) in other area and if you are able to understand the message and the content of the thing you want to illustrate, you can do the job. I refer that because the illustrator I meet was a teacher and now she´s working illustrating children´s book. I think that the biggest re


I think that it´s very important thinking about our planet and the consequences of the things that we are doing to it. I don´t really think that I´m an eco-friendly person, but I always try to respect every environment and the animals. As for example, I try to keep all my garbage until I get to the ideal trash can (also my cigarette fag end). However, I think that the most alarming thing is the weather In Santiago. I mean, the past day we have a rainy day and the past 2 days we have a very warm day, I think that we need to have a concrete response to this phenomenon. The past month, I read that we are the last generation that could make something to mend what we are doing to Earth so it is very disturbing fact to us. In Chile, even though the plastic bags were not anymore in use (in the case of the supermarkets) and that the fast food´s stores prohibited giving more plastic until you ask (for example, if you order a drink or a coffee, the worker can give you a straw if you no


I’m not a reading person, but I remember reading “The Lost Symbol” by Dan Brown. This is a thriller and a sequel for his most famous book “The Da Vinci Code”. This book is about a professor and iconographer called Robert Langdon, who has to travel to Washington DC to resolve the death of a personal friend, who was murdered by a secret reason and his body was leaved in a specific location whit a specific posture. However, the murder was a person who was obsessed to being the perfect person (to become a god), also he was an ex mason, so he started to get inked in all the spaces in his skin with different every symbol of the world, when he was almost finished he realized that it was missing one. And only the masons knew it. By the end, this guy suicided himself to dispose of his body to becomes perfect, but he never founded the real secret symbol. And I couldn´t end the book because the symbol was just a normal phrase about religion and all the mystery of the book died with this char