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Walking around

One of my favorite activities in my free time maybe is a little boring, but I really enjoy walking and get lost in the city (obviously having my cellphone charged and with the internet OK, because most of the time I have to check google maps).
I usually do it when I have some free time at the university and I just go to walk I the near places to after comeback. However, sometimes I like to do it nearly my house and sometimes I have to take a bus and go home.
I think that the reasons of that I enjoy so much this is because I can distract myself and know new places to go again. Because, in my opinion, this “hobby” is forgotten by the people, I mean that most of us can have so much free time and we are always hurry (going to this place and vice versa), so I think that it is a really good alternative to think and have some personal time.
For example, one day I have a lot of free time and I didn´t have nothing to do, so I started to walk near the Universidad de Chile train station, and in one moment to other I realized that I get lost (maybe because I get into too much galleries). Nevertheless, I really remember have discover a lot of sweet stores and before, I mistake-giving directions to one couple that wanted to go to Baquedano train station.
In addition, in other opportunity I could found the Chinese mall that I was really looking hard, so in my point of view it is a good tool to find places.


  1. This is a great activity to discover the city, It's not boring at all

  2. with this activity you know your environment, Is fantastic because in the city the common transport is the vehicle

  3. Is very interesting because you discover new things that are very close to you and you didn't know that they exist

  4. I like to walk too, many times is so interesting to see some areas inside of the city that makes to you feel like if you were on other places that weren't that city!

  5. Walking around the city is just the best!!! even if it is in a bigcity like this, you can mentally get away of it and get lost in your own mind... well always carefully to do not ger crushed by a car obviosluy...

  6. when I was reading you I remember the book "walking like a Aesthetic practice" by Franceso Careri, I thing that this book might like you

  7. I don´t feel the confidence necessary to get lost in this big city haha but I think that is great that you can do it. :D

  8. i love walk in the city too!, who says that is a boring activity? it is good that you can know the city, i remember that when i was in my city, i used to walk a lot with my headphones.


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