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Fiestas Patrias

Almost a month ago we celebrated our national holidays (fiestas patrias) and mine was like a fail.
This year with my family decided to travel to the south of the country (near Los Angeles city) and I invited my bf, and everything was ok until we were going to start leaving Santiago.
The first problem was that a guy broke a window of my house, so we were having to wait like 2 hours to go (we were going in car), and we arrived like at 2:00 AM to the place we were going to stay the week, I was dead.
The first day it was all ok, but at the second day the weather changed completely, it started to rain for like 4 days and we didn’t go out, but we can go to buy alcohol.
When it stops raining we finally could go to a natural reserve (national park Laguna del Laja) and everything was cover by snow and we go to do a track in there.
So, my national holidays are always very normal, I didn´t wanted to go to fondas or places like that because I don´t really liked, I think that they are expensive.
I personally think that being Chilean it´s just a denomination to order people in to different categories, so (even that I enjoy some cultural things about Chile) I don’t have that nationalist fells like other people.
bye :)


  1. The park Laguna del Laja is great, with snow must look incredible

  2. Go to this park sounds very fun, the snow is amazing.

  3. Los Angeles it's such a nice place to visit!

  4. I am agree with you with idea of being a chilean it is a denomination to order the people!. It is a imaginary border.


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